Change was inevitable but storytelling is eternal. Nostalgia has its place and a post-COVID society will need it more than ever. Selective Memory is a multi-media, experimental documentary project that explores vinyl records as modern hieroglyph: a tangible document of black history, black music and black culture. From the genius mind of creator Todd Simmons. Exploration made possible by Canada Council for the Arts.

Follow the poignant realism of the comparisons, contrasts and challenges of a family of newcomers to Québec, CANADA as they adjust to their lives in this new country that is less hospitable than they expected.

A young woman stumbles upon a dark familial past and uncovers horrifying family secrets. Her journey unfolds, intertwined with supernatural forces that threaten to drag her to hell with them. A woman led, feature length thriller/horror in collaboration with the brilliant Hira Vinh.

A full-length documentary with never-before-explored insight into the hearts and minds of black female academics and creatives; their testimonials on what it is to be black in the context of post-secondary education; And a presentation of the diverse and dynamic contributions made to their domains and the world at large.
In the 1970s, a brazen group of queer misfits tours rural Ontario under the ruse of a traveling evangelical ministry leading to a shenanigan filled journey of rebellion, self actualization and the forging of a loyalty-bound, unexpected chosen family. Written and created by brilliant Izaiah Dockery & Ari Conrad Brich.

An epic, anthology of short stories based on Finnish mythology of a mysterious talisman brings prosperity and luck to those who possess it. It’s up to them however, to steward the one-phase windfall, or risk losing it all. Then, talisman loses its power until the next owner finds it.